Cookie Policy

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One thought on “Cookie Policy

  1. Dear Tio Stevo; It was springtime about 1975, the sesaon for my grandmother to make jars and jars of salted pesto (only a level teaspoon would be used in certain dishes), she would spend days harvesting basilico using a mortar and pestle and a lot of muscle power to achieve the desired end product, she tried a meat grinder a couple times which resulted in a minced wet wrung out result with a lot of liquid that had to be captured in a plate and reintroduced to the ground basil, sometimes she’d use a mezzaluna knife if she was making fresh pesto for two or three people One spring day I borrowed a food processor, brought it over to my grandmother’s house and we went through a bushel of basil in no time, her comment was that she wished the machine would have been invented decades earlier. The end result of machine pesto differs somewhat from the traditional pesto but not much, not one member of my family in Genova, Piemonte or Milano uses the mortar and pestle anymore now that the food processor is in everyones’ kitchen A few years ago I read that introducing a crushed up vitamin C tablet to pesto would keep it green, I’ve done this a couple times and as long as a film of oil covers the pesto the color does keep, plus interestingly there isn’t any citrus taste.

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